EZ Meter
Electric Meter
Current Tranformer Division

How to save money
Multiple case studies exist showing the benefits of billing tenants for their electrical usage and the direct corelation on overall facility electrical waste. Since the world has begun taking a proactive stance in its fight for energy conservation numerous solutions have been presented, but by far the most effective has been presenting a bill to the tenant responsible for consumption. This has a proven track record of reducing electrical waste. The concept has begun to be applied to energy management for overall facility electrical comsumption in commercial and industrial applications. The idea here is not to necessarily bill for usage, but to monitor consumption to reduce waste, improve/reduce environmental footprint , and ultimately increase the companies bottom line. This all starts by accurately benchmarking and managing consumption, to reduce waste, and be more proactive to electrical needs instead of reactive. Let EZ Meter help you accomplish your energy goals.
Compteur EZ
11030, chemin Cochiti SE
Albuquerque, Nouveau-Mexique 87123
EZ Meter fabrique des sous-compteurs électriques Kwh de qualité commerciale principalement pour 2 des 3 marchés de sous-compteurs électriques, ainsi que la communication à distance et les boîtiers correspondants... y compris les unités de compteurs multiples (MMU).

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